Tuesday, January 3, 2012

31st December,2011 : 8:58 pm

I thought of coming with up a blog named “Colors  & Promises”, for that reflects my present state of mind but there are already two blogs that go by that name on the  major blogging sites. So I’m going to stick to this old sack and renovate it according to my flickering state of mind and bit the idea of staying anonymous, goodbye. Since, by the time your pseudonym/nickname/chat alias grows more than 5 yrs old ,your either encounter your virtual buddies in real life or your forget that you can shed your walls before them . The formality, the diplomacy, the phase of coming to terms with “who you were that they once knew and who you are now“ draws in.

 I have like an hour before the midnight mass. We having a  party after it! @ of village kiddos, youthos and pandu-logos. I can’t picture myself to be anywhere else but either Bassein or Goa especially in Christmas season @ India. These places have the feeeeeel of this eve and season. These are ‘the’ places to be. Well, if not for the turmoil that goes on in me I should have been in immense happy state with Christmas bells, cribs, the spine of wearing short dress in cold-cilly wind accompanied by towering heels and crying foul over how the roads aren’t heels-friendly, houses carrying the looks of restaurants (thanks to that cheap Chinese lighting) and last and not the least the happy-shiny people around me. But somehow I love complications and end up complicating things for myself and p-eople around me. I wanted to write some stuff to this particular entity whose behavioral patterns has always made tons of difference to the person I was .All of that entity’s actions somehow still do. I don’t know why. I’m not even sure if I want to know, for tons of other people have been included in the journey of life but still this particular entity, thou hasn’t been around has still impinge me in ways I never thought would happen to me. I wanted to copy-paste in some stuff I had in my e-diary here. But I’m not sure if that would be appropriate, considering the fact that IN THE END what I felt before doesn’t matter, what am feeling now at this very moment is what counts and soon it will be invalid, in accordance with change in time, space, place, entities in question and my attitude towards the entire thing or instance. I need to power this down before somebody bombards my ear for being late.

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