Thursday, April 29, 2010

She, a bubble and you ...

In that bubble,
protected from the trouble.
She was happy and glad,
floating through the sea in her own glee . . .
In her hallowed territory for dreamers, dreams
la la la
With you as its guardian angel . . .
Carrying her in a tiny shiny ball, blowing it all the while . . .
Singing a lullaby with your charcoal treated voice.
Up in air
la la la la

With your game of keeping her up in air while you have your potty break you blew her bubble
high high high . . . whoosh ...she went la la la . . .
Happy seeing similar territories craved by other bubble blowers … curious about the other bubble blowers. . .
tring ring ring. . .
All the while thinking she did tell you how it was out there… how it was to be blown by a snow flake blower.
You warned her, you shouted, that 0.64852 milliliter of blood, you did all you could to stop her . . .
She didn’t know when her fling with the snow flake bubble blower turned into an addiction . . .
Blown by other bubble blower she went up ,up up in air…….
ra ra ra ra. . .
All the while she did notice the snow flaked bubble blower was sucking a part of her…her bubble was reducing . . .*crying she went searching for her guardian bubble blower*
You gave her a look from corner of his eye . . .all the while blowing Turkish Spanish zululu bubbles . . .
la la la To be continued...

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